When working in high-risk environments with fire, heat, or electrical hazards, proper protection is essential. newbb电子平台 Safety provides high-quality flame-resistant (FR) clothing and newbb电子 designed to meet industry standards for workplace safety. Our FR gear, including coveralls, jackets, and pants, helps protect against burns, flash fires, and arc flashes while ensuring comfort and durability. Whether you're in construction, utilities, or manufacturing, trust newbb电子平台 Safety to keep you protected.

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  • S1CL3L_ - S1CL3LX4T - 25966 S1CL3L_ - S1CL3LX4T - 25967 S1CL3L_ - S1CL3LX4T - 31472 S1CL3L_ - S1CL3LX4T - 27744 S1CL3L_ - S1CL3LX4T - 25969 swatch image


    newbb电子平台 Safety FR Gear Flame Resistant Work Shirt Class 3 Hi-Visibility Protection 2 Inch Silver FR Reflective Stripes Fluorescent Lime Flame resistant work shirt meets ANSI 107 Hi-Visibility requirements Whether working in the rugged oil and gas industry or...

  • DCWURG_ - DCWURGL - 27841 DCWURG_ - DCWURGL - 27842 DCWURG_ - DCWURGL - 6093 DCWURG_ - DCWURGL - 6095 DCWURG_ - DCWURGL - 6096 swatch image


    newbb电子平台 Safety FR Gear Flame Resistant Coveralls Gray Westex UltraSoft® Fabric Silver Reflective FR Stripes Triple needle reinforced stitched with Nomex® thread on major seams for durability Whether working in the rugged oil and gas industry or...

  • DCWUG_ - DCWUGL - 20598


    newbb电子平台 Safety FR Gear Flame Resistant Coveralls Gray Westex UltraSoft® Fabric Long Sleeve Deluxe Coverall Meets NFPA 2112 and NFPA 70E,  Arc rating 8.7 cal/cm2 Whether working in the rugged oil and gas industry or spending your day working...

  • DCWUT_ - DCWUTL - 19044 DCWUT_ - DCWUTL - 19045 swatch image


    newbb电子平台 Safety FR Gear Flame Resistant Coveralls Tan Westex UltraSoft® Fabric Long Sleeve Deluxe Coverall Triple needle reinforced stitched with Nomex® thread on major seams for durability Whether working in the rugged oil and gas industry or...

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